Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Super Couponer Donations!

We hear a lot about Coupon Moms and those super shoppers who use coupons and shopping apps to score amazing deals and cartloads of products for pennies on the dollar at times.  What we do not often hear about are the amazing generosity of these same people when they donate these loads of extra items to charities in need.

On August 3rd, 2015 a group of couponers from the SuperMom Couponing group and Coupon Addicts MQT Mi brought a large donation to the Marquette Salvation Army to help families who may struggle with those items we do not often find donated.  Food comes in regularly from our generous donors, but items like deodorant, shampoo, household cleaning products, and toothbrushes to name a few, are not often donated.  These are items which people who may be on fixed incomes, have no income, or only receive food stamps cannot afford to buy at times and so this will go a long way to helping with those other costs most people might not realize are a hardship for those in need.

All told, approximately 500 pounds of hygiene and household goods, as well as food, were donated to the Food Pantry to help our less fortunate neighbors.  Three trucks and numerous boxes were unloaded and now we're smiling as we stock our shelves and wait for the delight of our pantry participants as they see what surprises are waiting for them.

A large thank you to all the group participants who donated to this drive, and to Becky Morrison for setting it up for us.